I was not paying attention that the overland expo west had been postponed to September and after seeing a post by A2A expedition (Graham Bell) that they were racing to be there. I headed up the night before and camped overnight and managed to make it to the Bell’s presentation. What a neat story and a great journey and such a nice family. (https://www.a2aexpedition.com/).

The interesting thing for me at this expo that was so much different than the last one two years ago was that I was not comparing trailers and sale tactics for the trailers we were representing at the time. I also noticed that all of the tools and gadgets are not needed in my setup. I was looking for two specific things; a better cook system and a solution for more comfort for the next big trip.

I did not find something for cooking that was what I was looking for…but I did see something in a product that resonated with what I was thinking. It is not a bolt in solution, but it is something that I might be able to create or adapt. I did some searching afterwards and still there is nothing like it out there. I am letting the idea percolate and we will see.

The second thing is a more comfortable environment when out on long-term travel. I like the van conversions but there are sometimes places I want to go that those vehicles will not take FJ is amazing and can get just about everywhere, but when Carl and I were above the Arctic circle and mosquitos were insane, it would have been nice to have a couch to sit on or a kitchen to prepare meals. It also has to be as easy to set up. With this in mind, I opened my mind and looked around. Truck slide ins caught my mind.
I found one that really appealed to me. It was open and airy and had a simple setup. Th problem with it was the hefty price. I can probably find a good truck for $30-40k if I look around, but adding on another $45k seems excessive. There were several other brands and some that caught my attention were the ones that had the basics, but also could be modified. That is my sweet spot. And after some looking on Craigslist and some other sites, it turns out there are several models in the $15-20K range or less if I get a good used one. So now my head is spinning and I am working a plan.

Maybe my better half can find some time to connect with me and we can discuss what I am thinking.