We spent yesterday in Verona seeing the sites. Getting there was a bit of fun, though. I managed to get train tickets and then queue up on the wrong track only to watch the train we needed come and go. Easy fix, a spritz and some chips, and an hour later we were on the next train.
Mondays are rest days in Verona, so quite a few on the attractions were closed, but we really could not tell. We wandered through the beautiful streets and shops and just enjoyed a bit of Italy, first with a lunch of mini sandwiches and a Spritz at a quiet cafe.
We did tour a really cool basilica, San Zino. It was two churches in one as the original was removed, a second was built, and then later a third was built on top of that. Here’s the link.
Then we wandered across one of the many bridges, and then crossed back into the old city. We say ancient Roman buildings, ruins, tons of beautiful streets and shops. We stopped again for a Spritz and snack and then toured another church, St Anastasia, Verona’s largest. The art and carvings were exquisite. Here is the link.
We wandered through some open markets and then found the famous Juliette balcony. We didn’t fondle the statue, but enjoyed the crowds in the tight quarters.
We wandered back towards the coliseum and enjoyed some cheese and meats and another Spritz before finding the train back to Vicenza.