We had a bit of time to get laundry done and stock up with some supplies before check out. We left town about 10:30 AM and headed for the US border. It was raining all the way down into Vancouver, BC and the fog and rain provided some amazing views of the coast. We made our way though the city of Vancouver and then found the line to the US border.

The wait was listed ad 70 minutes so we grabbed some beverages and made friends with the locals. I learned some interesting things about Canadians in line; they are pleasant and polite when you meet them and are generally apologetic, but put them in a queue headed for the border and if you give them 5 fee of space in between you and the car in front and they will push and shove and cut right in without a hint of a wave, thank you, or sorry. Interesting Canadian characteristic.
The 70 minutes turned into 90 and we finally found ourselves at the border. The agent decided to use me for some training and tried to show the other agent where you can hide cocaine in an FJ Cruiser. Glad I was not transporting any.

We continued south into Washington and turned west to catch a ferry across the waterways at Port Townshend. From there it was about 2 more hours of beautiful forest and coastal roads before entering Olympic National Park. We drove around Crescent Lake, which was incredibly beautiful in the rainforest, and then found a great site deep in the rainforest on an old logging FS road. The mosquitos are tiny here and not really a bother. We hung out, drank some beer and good rum, and then turned in around midnight. It actually gets dark here around 10:30.