Carl and I woke around 6AM on the coast of the Arctic Ocean. It was about 38 degrees but had a pretty good breeze making it feel much colder. We packed up and decided to head into Tuk to take some pictures and dip our toes in the Arctic Ocean before leaving. Nothing at all was open and since it was cold, we headed back to Inuvik at around 8 am. I had planned to make coffee but being so cold, I left without making it and managed to forget to put the Coleman attachment back on the propane tank, so after dragging that about 50 miles, it no longer works (reminder of the dog in National Lampoon’s Vacation). Fortunately Carl has a burner we can use until I get a replacement. It may take waiting til Fairbanks at this point. Oh well.

While back in Inuvik, we met with Fire Chief Cyndy, who offered a tour of the fire station. She provided a great tour and a great time. We even got to learn how to use a thermal imaging camera, handle and operate the Jaws of Life, and get geared up and get into and out of a Fire Engine. Such a great tour and amazing stories. Thanks Cyndy.

We drove all but the last 100km back to Dawson City today. There is not much to see on the Dempster highway with the weather what it is. In the same spot we got snowed on the days before, we hit another drencher and followed the storm about 200 KM along the road. We decided we wanted to stay at the Tombstone National Park campground because it was only $12 Canadian per night and had bathrooms and nice sites. We got in about 10PM and set up camp. We made dinner and had a few glasses of some amazing bourbon and turned in at 12:30 AM. It is still bright as day out.

We have a lot of good shots of the road and sites along the way and I will get them in to an album when we get good internet. Tomorrow we will go back to Dawson City and see if I can get a part for my stove before crossing over the Yukon River and heading on the Top of the World Highway towards the USA border crossing into Chicken, Alaska.