I planned to meet with some friends of Kristina and mine for coffee at 9 AM. I got up around 6 and got started on the repairs for the truck. The high pressure AC line had been rubbed on the bumper for years, but the Dempster apparently was its demise. The part had been sent to Rich’s house and after removing the grill and a support bracket, I got the old one out and the new one in by about 8 AM.
I had a great visit with John and Linda at a local Starbucks for about 90 minutes. They suggested a mechanic and I checked their availability and they could take the truck at 1PM. I gassed up and headed back to Rich’s and we took both vehicles to drop it off. (Kudos to Top Performance Automotive for a fast and rea$onable recharge). We had lunch while it was in the shop and then dropped it back off at Rich’s before we headed into Portland for some guided tours.

Rich showed us one of the houses he recently sold and then we had some gelato and walked around the area that is strewn with shops, restaurants, homes, and interesting nooks and crannies. Carl and I agreed we could hang out here for several days and still not see all of the cool stuff. Rich took us to a mountain park in the city and we hiked around a bit. We then went out and visited his sisters, one whom was visiting from Bend, OR, and enjoyed some great conversation and lemonchella.

Dennys for a late dinner and we headed back to his house for the night.